
Office of the Chief Digital Officer

The Office of the Chief Digital Officer supports the Senior Vice President for Digital Transformation and Chief Digital Officer, who develops and implements strategies to ensure that ITS is providing central technology support across both the academic and administrative operations of the University, and provides day-to-day leadership and administration of the Information Technology Services (ITS) department.

Jeff Rubin
Senior Vice President for Digital Transformation and Chief Digital Officer

Eric Sedore
Associate Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Technology Officer

Academic Technology Services

Academic Technology Services provides support, learning and classroom technology, public computer labs, media, and web technologies and services through Learning Environments and Media Production (LEMP), Academic Applications and Services Centers (AASC), and Online Learning Services.

Mike O’Mara
Associate Chief Information Officer for Academic Technology Services

Business Office

The Business Office is responsible for ITS financial management, administration, and planning; software licensing and digital certificates; and ITS human resources and organizational development; and communications.

Anna Kopp
Senior Director of Administration

Core Infrastructure Services

Infrastructure Services encompasses the NetworkingTelecommunications, and Core Infrastructure Services (CIS) groups and keeps the campus connected with data, voice, and cable TV networks while also supporting the campus desktop computing environment for all students, faculty and staff, including email, file storage, remote access, and printing. This group also is responsible for the University’s Network Master Plan.

Andrew Joncas
Associate Chief Information Officer for Infrastructure

Digital Accessibility Services 

Digital accessibility is the practice of designing, building, and procuring digital assets that are free from barriers that impede or block access to digital content by people with disabilities. Digital Accessibility Services (DAS) provides consultation, assessment, resources, and tools to help ensure the University’s digital assets are accessible and usable by everyone. DAS also supports a campus-wide network of Digital Accessibility Liaisons and partnerships.  

Marla Runyan
Assistant Director of Digital Accessibility

Enterprise Application Systems

Enterprise Application Systems (EAS) supports MySlice, PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, Human Capital Management and Financials, including integration with systems such as OnBase, Degree Works and Orange SUccess.

Cindy Hoalcraft
Associate Chief Information Officer for Enterprise Systems

Enterprise Technology Group

The Enterprise Technology Group (ETG) provides support for the University’s enterprise data resources and applications. This includes the Syracuse University enterprise data warehouse, as well as the EAB Edify data warehouse and infrastructure. ETG also supports the DataInsights (Tableau), MyReports (Hyperion Interactive Reporting) and Blackbaud CRM (“CITRUS”) analytics tools.

Erik Anderson
Director of Enterprise Technology Group

Information Security

Information Security (InfoSec) works to protect SU’s data and information technology assets, and those of its students, faculty and staff, from all forms of human and electronic threats and compromise.

Christopher Croad
Chief Information Security Officer