MySlice to Be Unavailable During Update on Sept. 28

The MySlice portal and all of the services accessed through the portal will be unavailable from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST on Saturday, Sept. 28. This outage includes MySlice, the human capital management system, the campus solutions system and the financials system. Continue Reading

Advisory: Sextortion Scam Emails

Several members of the University community, including faculty, staff and students, have notified Information Technology Services (ITS) that they recently received sextortion scam emails. It is important to know how to respond if you receive such an email. 

What Is Sextortion? 

Sextortion is a type of cybercrime in which the attacker claims to have access to intimate or compromising information about you, such as photos or videos. The sender will often demand payment, typically in cryptocurrency, in exchange for not releasing this information. To make their threats seem more real, they might include personal details such as your phone number, address or even the names of friends or family members. It is important to understand that bad actors often collect this information from publicly available sources without an actual breach of your accounts or devices. 

What Should You Do if You Receive a Sextortion Email? 

  1. Stay Calm: The goal of these emails is to create fear and urgency. It is important to stay calm and recognize that this is a scam. 
  2. Do Not Respond: Do not engage with the sender or provide any personal information. 
  3. Do Not Make Payments: These threats are baseless. Paying the attacker will encourage them to make additional requests. 
  4. Report It: Forward the email to the ITS Information Security team at so they can investigate and take appropriate action. If you are concerned about your personal accounts, consider updating your passwords and enabling two-factor authentication for additional protection. 

Receiving such emails can be distressing. ITS is here to assist and guide you through the situation. The ITS Information Security team is actively working to address these incidents and to help protect our campus community. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the Information Security team at 

Tech Tips: September 2024 Newsletter

This message was originally shared to all faculty and staff via email on September 10, 2024.

 Tech Tips At a Glance

Pressed for time? Information Technology Services (ITS) has you covered. Here are this edition’s topics:

AI at Work

Join us on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from 1-2 p.m., at the K.G. Tan Auditorium in the National Veterans Resource Center or via Microsoft Teams for a discussion on generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot. Learn about responsible AI use, available tools and practical tips. Faculty and staff are welcome! Register here.

SensusAccess Now Available in Blackboard

SensusAccess, an automated tool for document remediation and file conversion, is now available in Blackboard Ultra. Instructors can use it in five simple steps to make course documents more accessible for students, enhancing their learning experience.

Upcoming Deployment: PhishNotify Button

We’re launching the PhishNotify button in Outlook to simplify reporting phishing emails and enhance campus security. It will quickly flag suspicious messages to our Information Security team and support phishing simulations to raise awareness. Stay tuned!


Stay ahead of your day with Syracuse University’s OrangeNow. Access campus news, dining options and real-time bus arrivals—all in one app, designed to help you stay organized and informed.

New Microsoft Sign-In

Starting Sept. 17, Syracuse University’s Microsoft Sign-In screen will have a new, branded look to help users recognize the official portal, access support and receive news alerts consistent across all devices.

Google Shared Drives

Faculty or staff may now create shared drives in Google Workspace by request for academic purposes only. Students are no longer able to create Google shared drives. To request a new shared drive, please submit an Orange Tracker form.

The Nation’s Most Connected Campus

Senior Vice President for Digital Transformation and Chief Digital Officer Jeff Rubin highlights recent IT advancements at Syracuse University, including the OrangeNow app, upgraded WiFi, a private wireless network and enhanced JMA Wireless Dome connectivity. Read Blog.

System Alerts & Statuses

If you have trouble connecting to a campus website or system, the System Status page on the ITS website can help you determine whether there is an issue with your computer or something else.

University Directory Information in Outlook

Do you need to find contact information for someone at the University? You can use Outlook’s “Search” feature to find contact information for faculty, staff and students.

Helpful Resources

ITS and the campuswide information technology community are available year-round to help with your tech questions. Resources include:

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

Orange Online: September 2024 Newsletter

This message was originally shared to all students via email on September 10, 2024.
Orange Online At a Glance

Pressed for time? Information Technology Services (ITS) has you covered. Here are this edition’s topics:

PhishNotify Button

We’re launching the PhishNotify button in Outlook to make reporting phishing emails easier and boost campus security. This tool will help quickly flag suspicious messages to our Information Security team and support phishing simulations to increase awareness. Stay tuned!

New Microsoft Sign-In

Starting Sept. 17, the Microsoft Sign-In screen for Syracuse University will have a fresh look aligned with University branding. This update helps users identify the official University portal, adds a link for account help and enables news alerts. The new design will be consistent across all devices.

SensusAccess Now Available in Blackboard

SensusAccess, an automated tool for document remediation and file conversion, is now in Blackboard Ultra. Students can convert documents that exist within a course into a range of alternate formats including audio, ePub3, digital Braille and more.

The Nation’s Most Connected Campus

Senior Vice President for Digital Transformation and Chief Digital Officer Jeff Rubin highlights recent IT advancements at Syracuse University, including the OrangeNow app, upgraded WiFi, a private wireless network and enhanced JMA Wirless Dome connectivity. Read Blog.

Digital Map

Explore our digital maps at, where you can sort locations by type (buidings, parking, etc.). Click “Wayfinding” and select “Show Only Wheelchair Accessible Routes” to find wheelchair-friendly paths

System Alerts & Statuses

If you have trouble connecting to a campus website or system, the System Status page on the ITS website can help you determine whether there is an issue with your computer or something else.

Helpful Resources

ITS and the campuswide information technology community are available year-round to help with your tech questions. Resources include:

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

Coming Soon to Your Microsoft Outlook: PhishNotify

The ITS Information Security team is excited to announce the upcoming deployment of the PhishNotify button from Infosec as part of our ongoing efforts to build a security culture on campus. This new tool will empower the campus community to quickly and easily report suspected phishing emails, enhancing our collective defense against cyber threats.

What Is the PhishNotify Button?

The PhishNotify button is a simple yet powerful tool integrated into Microsoft Outlook, our email client. If you receive a suspicious email, you can click the PhishNotify button to report it instantly. This action will send the email to our IT security team for further analysis and help us protect our campus from potential cyber threats. This button will also provide the functionality for ITS to conduct phishing simulations that will help you become more experienced with spotting and reporting phishing emails.

Why Is This Important?

Phishing attacks are a common and dangerous threat that can lead to data breaches, financial loss and compromised personal information. By using the PhishNotify button, you contribute to our collective security by identifying and stopping these threats before they cause harm.